I don't think the work schedule at my new job will support my dance class habit. Not the classes I'm taking now anyway.
Why does my personal and social life (which revolves around campus, the gym, my fitness classes) have to suffer to be happy with my professional life? I can't remember a time when they were both good. Either my job sucks but I have great friends and I go out and do things for myself or I have a great productive job that I like but am miserable in my personal life - no friends, heart break, lonely.
Why can I not just enjoy the amazing opportunity that is in front of me? Instead I have to obessess about other things.
I remember going to study abroad. I cried getting on the plane and I cried for probably the first hour of the flight. I ended up staying for a second year I loved it there so much.
My first ever "camp" experience was studying in college for a summer semester. I cried the night before. I was packing and I wondered if it was too late to back out. I loved it there. I cried when I got home. I was depressed until I went to study abroad.
I know this about myself. It's just fear.
But I am wondering if I am made the right choice.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
He's just a boy and he's not thinking about you. Six months ago you didn't know he existed. He's just a boy and he's not thinking about you. Six months ago you didn't know he existed. He's just a boy and he's not thinking about you. Six months ago you didn't know he existed. He's just a boy and he's not thinking about you. Six months ago you didn't know he existed.
I've decided for that to be my mantra to keep me in perspective. I came up with it last night after rejecting this one:
Fuck you, you fucking bastard. Don't think I don't know how it starts. You god-damned jackass.
That one is more angry and less therapeutic.
Yesterday started okay. I had a soul sucking meeting and then I got to announce to my office that I was leaving. My boss sent out a system wide email and I have gotten some very nice congratulatory emails.
My thoughts were that after missing each other on Friday that I'd wait for J after class and we'd get together then. When I got to the gym I realized I had forgotten some of my work-out clothes and had to wear my work clothes to dance class. I was wearing a nice flowy skirt because we had warmish fall weather and it made for good spins even if I wasn't wearing shorts under it. Anyway...I got there early and J danced with me showing me a move he learned in a workshop class over the weekend (when I ran into him leaving). It was very cool, even if he couldn't remember all of it and I wasn't so great with it being complicated and new. Though he did pull the "I have to stop" shit again. I can not figure out why he does that. (It's too much to hope that he gets turned on when we dance). He watched me show him some styling I had learned in the class I took. I also ended up being the odd wheel in class with no partner so I danced with him for the first half. But then another person showed up and I had to lead.
With out my work-out clothes I had to skip weights class and J said I could check out his 5:30, they need leaders (damn!). So I did. It wasn't too bad. Though my partner wanted to watch everyone else instead of dance and they are a couple of weeks behind the earlier class. He used me to demonstrate a new move which reminded me of the summer class when he would do that because he and I would stay late to dance so he could come up with moves for class. I get sad thinking about the summer. It was so good. He and I would flirt and dance. Even after we started sleeping together the rest of the summer was still that way. I try so hard to blame the change on him being so busy with the semester. He must be working 80 hrs a week with all of his jobs, if not more, because of student teaching. But, deep down I know that if he were interested he would let me know.
I really thought I was going to get to leave with him after that class. If nothing else I haven't gotten to tell him that I have a new job in two weeks and might not be around any more. My feet were killing me I went dancing 4 days in a row and I wouldn't have gone to the second class if I thought he was going to avoid me. Towards the end of class - last 7 or 10 minutes a girl comes in the connecting door (to the other studio) waits in the doorway until J says she can come in. He calls for a switch in partners and instead of taking the next student in line he starts dancing with her. She had some good footwork so she obviously dances, but her partner work didn't impress me (oh and I was jealous-it didn't help that my partner didn't want to dance but watch them and kept saying how good they were). He only danced like 1/3 of a song, and took the student. I thought that the girl just stopped in from the class next door, but no she sat down at the front by J and waited. Then as he let us leave he turns to her and says "Let me just make sure the room is free." That is when my heart dropped to the floor and got trampled on. He stayed there and danced with her. Like he used to do with me. That is the same studio that he first kissed me in. That is the same studio we had sex in once. Granted there are a ton of explanations. It could have been a private lesson, it could have been a preview lesson, I know he's done those for people. But really, who am I kidding. Sure I am jumping to conclusions that he is replacing me, but I don't see why it couldn't start innocent enough and go that way. What is that the Dr. Phil always says? "If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you." He's talking about cheaters, but I think it applies here.
I was so close to turning into a stalker and seeing when he left, but lucky me I have some self respect left. It's not much, after all I am willing to be a convenience fuck for some guy in the back of a car. (God, I hate myself!)
At the very least I want a chance to tell him that I got a new job that may not allow me to take his classes. I think that I will have a better idea of what to do about this if I can tell him in person. It isn't something I want to email. Although I was thinking I might just lump in a mass email and do it that way, if I have do it by email I think that is the way to go. But, I always end up emailing him more often than he emails me.
I don't want to hate him. While I sometimes think that I must come across as a love-sick twelve-year-old who's eager to please and get attention, I do believe that he doesn't realize how I feel. How I really feel about him. There was nothing about our arrangement to ever suggest that we had to care about each other. It isn't his fault I fell into the girl trap of falling for someone you have casual sex with.
"Perfidia is one good-bye." I am not making anymore effort. I am sick of feeling like shit because he doesn't care about me. I didn't know he existed 6 months ago, in 6 months I'll be over him. He can't be the only hot latin dancer right? Maybe I should give Mario Lopez a call.
I've decided for that to be my mantra to keep me in perspective. I came up with it last night after rejecting this one:
Fuck you, you fucking bastard. Don't think I don't know how it starts. You god-damned jackass.
That one is more angry and less therapeutic.
Yesterday started okay. I had a soul sucking meeting and then I got to announce to my office that I was leaving. My boss sent out a system wide email and I have gotten some very nice congratulatory emails.
My thoughts were that after missing each other on Friday that I'd wait for J after class and we'd get together then. When I got to the gym I realized I had forgotten some of my work-out clothes and had to wear my work clothes to dance class. I was wearing a nice flowy skirt because we had warmish fall weather and it made for good spins even if I wasn't wearing shorts under it. Anyway...I got there early and J danced with me showing me a move he learned in a workshop class over the weekend (when I ran into him leaving). It was very cool, even if he couldn't remember all of it and I wasn't so great with it being complicated and new. Though he did pull the "I have to stop" shit again. I can not figure out why he does that. (It's too much to hope that he gets turned on when we dance). He watched me show him some styling I had learned in the class I took. I also ended up being the odd wheel in class with no partner so I danced with him for the first half. But then another person showed up and I had to lead.
With out my work-out clothes I had to skip weights class and J said I could check out his 5:30, they need leaders (damn!). So I did. It wasn't too bad. Though my partner wanted to watch everyone else instead of dance and they are a couple of weeks behind the earlier class. He used me to demonstrate a new move which reminded me of the summer class when he would do that because he and I would stay late to dance so he could come up with moves for class. I get sad thinking about the summer. It was so good. He and I would flirt and dance. Even after we started sleeping together the rest of the summer was still that way. I try so hard to blame the change on him being so busy with the semester. He must be working 80 hrs a week with all of his jobs, if not more, because of student teaching. But, deep down I know that if he were interested he would let me know.
I really thought I was going to get to leave with him after that class. If nothing else I haven't gotten to tell him that I have a new job in two weeks and might not be around any more. My feet were killing me I went dancing 4 days in a row and I wouldn't have gone to the second class if I thought he was going to avoid me. Towards the end of class - last 7 or 10 minutes a girl comes in the connecting door (to the other studio) waits in the doorway until J says she can come in. He calls for a switch in partners and instead of taking the next student in line he starts dancing with her. She had some good footwork so she obviously dances, but her partner work didn't impress me (oh and I was jealous-it didn't help that my partner didn't want to dance but watch them and kept saying how good they were). He only danced like 1/3 of a song, and took the student. I thought that the girl just stopped in from the class next door, but no she sat down at the front by J and waited. Then as he let us leave he turns to her and says "Let me just make sure the room is free." That is when my heart dropped to the floor and got trampled on. He stayed there and danced with her. Like he used to do with me. That is the same studio that he first kissed me in. That is the same studio we had sex in once. Granted there are a ton of explanations. It could have been a private lesson, it could have been a preview lesson, I know he's done those for people. But really, who am I kidding. Sure I am jumping to conclusions that he is replacing me, but I don't see why it couldn't start innocent enough and go that way. What is that the Dr. Phil always says? "If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you." He's talking about cheaters, but I think it applies here.
I was so close to turning into a stalker and seeing when he left, but lucky me I have some self respect left. It's not much, after all I am willing to be a convenience fuck for some guy in the back of a car. (God, I hate myself!)
At the very least I want a chance to tell him that I got a new job that may not allow me to take his classes. I think that I will have a better idea of what to do about this if I can tell him in person. It isn't something I want to email. Although I was thinking I might just lump in a mass email and do it that way, if I have do it by email I think that is the way to go. But, I always end up emailing him more often than he emails me.
I don't want to hate him. While I sometimes think that I must come across as a love-sick twelve-year-old who's eager to please and get attention, I do believe that he doesn't realize how I feel. How I really feel about him. There was nothing about our arrangement to ever suggest that we had to care about each other. It isn't his fault I fell into the girl trap of falling for someone you have casual sex with.
"Perfidia is one good-bye." I am not making anymore effort. I am sick of feeling like shit because he doesn't care about me. I didn't know he existed 6 months ago, in 6 months I'll be over him. He can't be the only hot latin dancer right? Maybe I should give Mario Lopez a call.
Monday, October 30, 2006
I'm excited for my new job. I'm scared about it too. It's the first step in becoming an adult and it's freaking me out.
Mostly I'm sad about leaving all my fitness classes behind. I am sad to be leaving J behind as well. I haven't told him that I have a job and won't be in class after next week. I thought that I would be able to work and still go to his class in the evenings, but my very first day is scheduled through his second class. Maybe I'll be able to make it once in a while, but know I doubt it. This semester has been really hectic and we've only made time after class to get together. Now with a new job, I don't know if I'll be able to make any of his classes, or the other ones that I go to, which means I won't be seeing him much at all. Which means it might be over soon.
What is getting me down, is that I had all of these stupid fantasies that I was just hoping for someday to come true. I had imagined that next semester I would have an apartment near by, I'd be working a few hours less at this job, and then I'd be interning at the press as well. I would inevitably love the editing work and know that it was my true calling. J would come over to my apartment for our booty calls, but liking the fact that it was right by campus, not over-run with people like his place and the library would start staying to do his work. Maybe I offered to have him stay, I don't know, but eventually it would get cozier and we'd have dinner together and at somepoint a light bulb would go on and we'd be dating.
Right...and a little pink fairy is going to grant me 2 more wishes.
It is becoming increasingly obvious to me though that any chance I had to "date" J went out the window a couple months ago. There may have been a brief window of opportunity when we first started, but I think it has long been closed. On Friday our class went on a "field trip" to a club. It was great fun. J asked me to dance first, but the music ended and booty music started as we got to the floor. It took another hour and a half for him to ask me again. I realize that I wasn't always available to dance because these two guys kept dancing 2 or 3 songs with me and wanted to know why I wanted to leave when I said thanks and started to walk away. "Umm... I'm here to dance with more than you dude" is what I wanted to say, but usually it was "I need water." So color me angry when I did dance with J and half way through the song he said thanks that he needed water. I'm not a bad dancer so I don't understand why he doesn't want to dance with me any more. I saw him dancing with some other girls more than once. At one point (during some booty music) I was dancing with a couple of girls and he was alone at the bar. I thought for a minute that he was watching me, but then he took a phone call. A phone call? The guy who can't afford a new phone? (Maybe he borrowed a brother's phone) and then he went and sat with a couple of girls from his later class. I saw him dance with the female bartender and then he said good-bye.
I did manage to see him the next day at a workshop he was leaving a class and I was going into one. But he didn't seem even remotely glad to see me, too busy networking with other teachers I think. I kind of don't understand it since on Wednesday he put his arm around me in front of other students and gave me a neck rub. I kind of thought it was because the one girl from his later class was so obviously trying to flirt with him, but then he danced with her a few times and sat at her table on Friday. I don't know, maybe I was too stand-offish on Friday, but a)I'm not his girlfriend to be going up and putting my hands on him whenever I want to and b)I don't know how appropriate it is for me to be doing anything like that around his other students and assistant anyway. Other times I think I come off as way too eager. Rationally, I know that I'm nothing but a convience to him. I just can't help but think that I can do something to get him to care about me more.
Fantasy number two: Me being gone prompts J to realize how much he misses me and he calls me and we start going out for real.
The reality is though that I think nothing will happen and we'll just fade out of each others lives. I know that in a while, a few months all these feelings will fade to and when I do run into him at a social dance or a club we can be friendly. But right now I just want him to want me like I want him.
I went with G to the movies on Sat. we saw Running with Sissors. I felt really bad the whole time. I let him hold my hand on his second or third attempt, and I am sure that he wanted to make out more at the end of the night, but I just couldn't. It isn't fair to him that I sit there and wish I was with someone else. The movie wasn't that great really. It had some funny parts (they're all in the trailer) and a very creepy Joseph Fiennes. But one part really struck me, and I was trying not to let G notice that I started to cry. Auguston asks Natalie about a man and though she doesn't want to say, she breaks down and screams, "He's the only man I ever loved and he doesn't want me any more!" Later she says something along the lines of, "Sometimes we love people know don't deserve it because we have no one else." I don't think I'm that bad off (I'm certainly not a 13 year old talking about a 41 year old man who broke my collar bone), but it touched me.
On the one hand, I don't think that you can help who you end up having feelings for. Emotions are not something you decide to have. But I don't see that J has really done anything to "deserve" my feelings.
I know that all I am doing is talking and thinking myself around in circles. I don't want to give up seeing him, even if it is very infrequently, but at the same time I will never know if he gives even two thoughts about me during he day if I continue to hang around and that is why I think it is good to be moving on to a new job. And then I get freaked out again and think about what I will be missing.
I guess the good news is that even though I'm tempted. I've not given serious consideration to saying no to the job. Because when I isolate it from all my other shit, I think I will like it.
Mostly I'm sad about leaving all my fitness classes behind. I am sad to be leaving J behind as well. I haven't told him that I have a job and won't be in class after next week. I thought that I would be able to work and still go to his class in the evenings, but my very first day is scheduled through his second class. Maybe I'll be able to make it once in a while, but know I doubt it. This semester has been really hectic and we've only made time after class to get together. Now with a new job, I don't know if I'll be able to make any of his classes, or the other ones that I go to, which means I won't be seeing him much at all. Which means it might be over soon.
What is getting me down, is that I had all of these stupid fantasies that I was just hoping for someday to come true. I had imagined that next semester I would have an apartment near by, I'd be working a few hours less at this job, and then I'd be interning at the press as well. I would inevitably love the editing work and know that it was my true calling. J would come over to my apartment for our booty calls, but liking the fact that it was right by campus, not over-run with people like his place and the library would start staying to do his work. Maybe I offered to have him stay, I don't know, but eventually it would get cozier and we'd have dinner together and at somepoint a light bulb would go on and we'd be dating.
Right...and a little pink fairy is going to grant me 2 more wishes.
It is becoming increasingly obvious to me though that any chance I had to "date" J went out the window a couple months ago. There may have been a brief window of opportunity when we first started, but I think it has long been closed. On Friday our class went on a "field trip" to a club. It was great fun. J asked me to dance first, but the music ended and booty music started as we got to the floor. It took another hour and a half for him to ask me again. I realize that I wasn't always available to dance because these two guys kept dancing 2 or 3 songs with me and wanted to know why I wanted to leave when I said thanks and started to walk away. "Umm... I'm here to dance with more than you dude" is what I wanted to say, but usually it was "I need water." So color me angry when I did dance with J and half way through the song he said thanks that he needed water. I'm not a bad dancer so I don't understand why he doesn't want to dance with me any more. I saw him dancing with some other girls more than once. At one point (during some booty music) I was dancing with a couple of girls and he was alone at the bar. I thought for a minute that he was watching me, but then he took a phone call. A phone call? The guy who can't afford a new phone? (Maybe he borrowed a brother's phone) and then he went and sat with a couple of girls from his later class. I saw him dance with the female bartender and then he said good-bye.
I did manage to see him the next day at a workshop he was leaving a class and I was going into one. But he didn't seem even remotely glad to see me, too busy networking with other teachers I think. I kind of don't understand it since on Wednesday he put his arm around me in front of other students and gave me a neck rub. I kind of thought it was because the one girl from his later class was so obviously trying to flirt with him, but then he danced with her a few times and sat at her table on Friday. I don't know, maybe I was too stand-offish on Friday, but a)I'm not his girlfriend to be going up and putting my hands on him whenever I want to and b)I don't know how appropriate it is for me to be doing anything like that around his other students and assistant anyway. Other times I think I come off as way too eager. Rationally, I know that I'm nothing but a convience to him. I just can't help but think that I can do something to get him to care about me more.
Fantasy number two: Me being gone prompts J to realize how much he misses me and he calls me and we start going out for real.
The reality is though that I think nothing will happen and we'll just fade out of each others lives. I know that in a while, a few months all these feelings will fade to and when I do run into him at a social dance or a club we can be friendly. But right now I just want him to want me like I want him.
I went with G to the movies on Sat. we saw Running with Sissors. I felt really bad the whole time. I let him hold my hand on his second or third attempt, and I am sure that he wanted to make out more at the end of the night, but I just couldn't. It isn't fair to him that I sit there and wish I was with someone else. The movie wasn't that great really. It had some funny parts (they're all in the trailer) and a very creepy Joseph Fiennes. But one part really struck me, and I was trying not to let G notice that I started to cry. Auguston asks Natalie about a man and though she doesn't want to say, she breaks down and screams, "He's the only man I ever loved and he doesn't want me any more!" Later she says something along the lines of, "Sometimes we love people know don't deserve it because we have no one else." I don't think I'm that bad off (I'm certainly not a 13 year old talking about a 41 year old man who broke my collar bone), but it touched me.
On the one hand, I don't think that you can help who you end up having feelings for. Emotions are not something you decide to have. But I don't see that J has really done anything to "deserve" my feelings.
I know that all I am doing is talking and thinking myself around in circles. I don't want to give up seeing him, even if it is very infrequently, but at the same time I will never know if he gives even two thoughts about me during he day if I continue to hang around and that is why I think it is good to be moving on to a new job. And then I get freaked out again and think about what I will be missing.
I guess the good news is that even though I'm tempted. I've not given serious consideration to saying no to the job. Because when I isolate it from all my other shit, I think I will like it.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
I got it!!!
I was offered the job I interviewed for on Tuesday. Literally just got off of the phone. My hands are still shaking. They were actually prepared for me to say no. But I had so convinced myself that I wasn't going to get it.
I am so freaked. I'm shaking and I'm about to freakin' cry. My world is about to change a huge amount. I can't even wrap my head around it right now.
I'm really afraid of making the wrong choice. I've been wanting an out of this job so badly for months and now it's here. But there are things around this job, the campus, the gym, my classes, J, and my ballet teacher, the intern opportunity that I had (though I think I am more afraid of saying "sorry" to the press than not getting to do it) that I don't think I'm going to get to do so much.
I am excited. I think this is going to be such a fun job once I get the hang of it. Though right now I am petrified of the change.
I was offered the job I interviewed for on Tuesday. Literally just got off of the phone. My hands are still shaking. They were actually prepared for me to say no. But I had so convinced myself that I wasn't going to get it.
I am so freaked. I'm shaking and I'm about to freakin' cry. My world is about to change a huge amount. I can't even wrap my head around it right now.
I'm really afraid of making the wrong choice. I've been wanting an out of this job so badly for months and now it's here. But there are things around this job, the campus, the gym, my classes, J, and my ballet teacher, the intern opportunity that I had (though I think I am more afraid of saying "sorry" to the press than not getting to do it) that I don't think I'm going to get to do so much.
I am excited. I think this is going to be such a fun job once I get the hang of it. Though right now I am petrified of the change.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Lets be honest
If I can't be honest here, where can I be.
The main reason I wanted the option of saying no to this job was because that I'm afraid if I have to move there instead of here, I won't get to be with J anymore.
The main reason I wanted the option of saying no to this job was because that I'm afraid if I have to move there instead of here, I won't get to be with J anymore.
Decisions Decisions
I had an interview today. Just before I left town on Friday I got a phone call about a resume that I had sent off last week. The deadline was Friday so they made their decision pretty quick and they wanted to interview me this week. I was out of town until last night so, today was it.
It was the oddest interview I'd ever been on. There were no usual questions like "what would you say is your greatest weakness?" The worst I got was why did I want the job and a couple of other "if you got this position how would you..." type questions and all the rest were "tell us more about this, that, the other, your hobbies." I was completely at ease until the very end. I was almost out of there and I got thrown for a loop. I just had to simply say, "sorry, I'm not familiar with that" and "no I've not had any experience in that, but I'm confident I could learn." The whole thing seemed more like a conversation than an interview.
It tuns out that they only picked 3 people to interview. The third goes on Thursday and then they are going to call. Apparently they are really fast. So in a matter of 3 days I could have a new job.
The hard part is that I was looking forward to being an intern this winter. I was looking foward to seeing how the publishing industry works.
But the job I just interviewed for seems like it could be really fun. They asked me if I was prepared to take the job should they offer it to me on Friday. The night before I was thinking, I'll just go, if they offer it to me I don't actually have to say yes. Turns out that won't work.
Really, I guess I don't have a decision, not really. On Friday either I'll have another job or I'll be committed to sticking it out this one and enjoying the prospect of an upcoming internship.
It was the oddest interview I'd ever been on. There were no usual questions like "what would you say is your greatest weakness?" The worst I got was why did I want the job and a couple of other "if you got this position how would you..." type questions and all the rest were "tell us more about this, that, the other, your hobbies." I was completely at ease until the very end. I was almost out of there and I got thrown for a loop. I just had to simply say, "sorry, I'm not familiar with that" and "no I've not had any experience in that, but I'm confident I could learn." The whole thing seemed more like a conversation than an interview.
It tuns out that they only picked 3 people to interview. The third goes on Thursday and then they are going to call. Apparently they are really fast. So in a matter of 3 days I could have a new job.
The hard part is that I was looking forward to being an intern this winter. I was looking foward to seeing how the publishing industry works.
But the job I just interviewed for seems like it could be really fun. They asked me if I was prepared to take the job should they offer it to me on Friday. The night before I was thinking, I'll just go, if they offer it to me I don't actually have to say yes. Turns out that won't work.
Really, I guess I don't have a decision, not really. On Friday either I'll have another job or I'll be committed to sticking it out this one and enjoying the prospect of an upcoming internship.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Watching the world fly by
I have been very into two songs lately: Snow Patrol's "Chasing Cars"
We'll do it all
On our own
We don't need
Or anyone
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
and Mat Kearny's "Nothing Left to Lose"
come on and we'll sing, like we were free
push the pedal down watch the world around fly by us
come on and we'll try, one last time
I'm off of the floor one more time to find you
and here we go there's nothing left to choose
and here we go there's nothing left to lose
They embody just how I feel and what I want to do right now - Just lie down and let everything run past me. Sometimes I just want to go to sleep and wake up when my life makes sense again, when I'm settled and things don't suck as much as they do right now. But then sometimes I feel horribly isolated like life is raging on without me and it doesn't even care that I haven't been included. It seems easier to take if I choose to take myself out of it instead.
All too often I just feel too old for all my usual bullshit. Thirty is not all that far away from me at this point. I'm both chomping at the bit and afraid to have the bridle removed at the same time. School was a safety net and yet it also allowed me to keep an air of being successful. "See I'm going places; I'm getting a second Master Degree." It was also an excuse for being poor and living with my mother and her husband. Now I'm out, I have a crappy job in my field, but I've got one. I earn an entry level wage, but I'm still not doing anything that I consider "adult." Sure, I've still got the excuses...I don't know if I want to stay (but I haven't left yet), I don't know where I might leave too, I don't want to get stuck with a lease if I do move, my mother is out of town most of the year so why bother moving out?
Not that it's just about having my own place. I am getting worse and worse about keeping track of my finances. I used to pay off my credit cards each month in full and on-time. Now I hardly get around to paying them, never mind being in full or on-time. I've stopped keeping track of my income vs. expenditures and I pretty much just buy what I want when I want it w/ out regard to budgeting. If ever do want to move out I'm not going to be able to afford that kind of behavior.
I am in this weird position and I think that if I can get my act together and move out, I might be able to get over it. Staying at home I naturally fall into this mode of living out my teenage years. I take it out on my mother because she's there and it's easy. I seem to be apologizing to her for being snippy as often as I'm being nice. I don't feel like I should have to hide my birth control because the parents won't approve. I don't want to have to give a detailed explanation of where I'm going and who I'm going with and why am I going out 10 minutes after I've gotten home at 8am. Granted the perks are great - my mom does my laundry when I'm too busy and makes me a salad for lunch everyday (secretly I think she just wants reassurance that I eat, and giving me food in her mind equals me eating), I don't have to pay rent or food or utilities. But at the same time I'm too old for this shit. If I don't eat that's my own god damn issue. I'm sick of trying to have quality mother daughter time and have it degenerate into comments on me looking like a teenage boy, or that a size 4 has no hips, or questions about who I'm dating and why I'm not dating other people. It is frustrating to deal with on a daily basis and it just makes me realize that I'm too old for this shit.
We'll do it all
On our own
We don't need
Or anyone
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
and Mat Kearny's "Nothing Left to Lose"
come on and we'll sing, like we were free
push the pedal down watch the world around fly by us
come on and we'll try, one last time
I'm off of the floor one more time to find you
and here we go there's nothing left to choose
and here we go there's nothing left to lose
They embody just how I feel and what I want to do right now - Just lie down and let everything run past me. Sometimes I just want to go to sleep and wake up when my life makes sense again, when I'm settled and things don't suck as much as they do right now. But then sometimes I feel horribly isolated like life is raging on without me and it doesn't even care that I haven't been included. It seems easier to take if I choose to take myself out of it instead.
All too often I just feel too old for all my usual bullshit. Thirty is not all that far away from me at this point. I'm both chomping at the bit and afraid to have the bridle removed at the same time. School was a safety net and yet it also allowed me to keep an air of being successful. "See I'm going places; I'm getting a second Master Degree." It was also an excuse for being poor and living with my mother and her husband. Now I'm out, I have a crappy job in my field, but I've got one. I earn an entry level wage, but I'm still not doing anything that I consider "adult." Sure, I've still got the excuses...I don't know if I want to stay (but I haven't left yet), I don't know where I might leave too, I don't want to get stuck with a lease if I do move, my mother is out of town most of the year so why bother moving out?
Not that it's just about having my own place. I am getting worse and worse about keeping track of my finances. I used to pay off my credit cards each month in full and on-time. Now I hardly get around to paying them, never mind being in full or on-time. I've stopped keeping track of my income vs. expenditures and I pretty much just buy what I want when I want it w/ out regard to budgeting. If ever do want to move out I'm not going to be able to afford that kind of behavior.
I am in this weird position and I think that if I can get my act together and move out, I might be able to get over it. Staying at home I naturally fall into this mode of living out my teenage years. I take it out on my mother because she's there and it's easy. I seem to be apologizing to her for being snippy as often as I'm being nice. I don't feel like I should have to hide my birth control because the parents won't approve. I don't want to have to give a detailed explanation of where I'm going and who I'm going with and why am I going out 10 minutes after I've gotten home at 8am. Granted the perks are great - my mom does my laundry when I'm too busy and makes me a salad for lunch everyday (secretly I think she just wants reassurance that I eat, and giving me food in her mind equals me eating), I don't have to pay rent or food or utilities. But at the same time I'm too old for this shit. If I don't eat that's my own god damn issue. I'm sick of trying to have quality mother daughter time and have it degenerate into comments on me looking like a teenage boy, or that a size 4 has no hips, or questions about who I'm dating and why I'm not dating other people. It is frustrating to deal with on a daily basis and it just makes me realize that I'm too old for this shit.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Some Answers For You
A response to Cruel Virgin's Post.
1. What is your definition of a good friend? Somebody who is there for you no matter what. Some one nonjudgmental even if you're on different pages with some issues. Some you can call in the middle of the night and know that they'll answer.
2. How many good friends do you have? Three-ish. I don't know that they meet those qualifications (I have a blog for that very reason--I'm not about to tell them the stuff I really get up to). But they are the people outside of my blood relatives that I still like to stay in contact with, like to hang out with when they're in town, will call while I'm stuck in a traffic jam, and who's weddings I stood up in.
3. Why are romantic relationships so important? I can't remember where I read/heard it, but I liked the sentiment-- So that we have a witness to our lives. We don't want to get to the end and realize that all we did just floats out into nothingness, but was witnessed by someone else, shared with someone else and was meaningful because of that.
4. Why is there so much divorce in the West? I think that we place too much emphasis on love, on soul mates, on weddings being the happiest day of your life and have forgotten about the commitment and work required to sustain a marriage. Someone I like and respect at work once said that rather than a commitment for life marriage was a commitment that had to be renewed everyday. I also think that society still place so much emphasis on the importance of just being married because that is what we are "supposed" to do that some enter into it with out the full realization of the work and hardships involved. (All of this is not to say that there aren't lots of acceptable reasons for getting a divorce.)
5. Why do some of us get into relationships, be they friendship or romantic, that will only lead to terrible pain? Sometimes I think we believe it is worth it. At least, I have. I had a boyfriend and I knew that we were only going to be together for the length of me getting my degree. We had broken up and gotten back together knowing full well that 6 months later it would be over again. An acquaintance of mine (who I didn't like to begin with) said that I was wasting my time (it goes back to the whole "gotta find a husband") and I totally disagreed with her. Was I just delaying the inevitable? yes. Was I just postponing my heartbreak? yes. Do I regret it? No. I was in love and I wanted to be with someone for as long as I could regardless of the bad ending. One doesn't break it off with a loved one when they get a terminal disease because you know it will end badly, you just treasure the time you have together.
And then there are the destructive, abusive relationships that people have because they think they don't deserve better, or there isn't anything better out there, or that they can "change" the person. All total and complete falsehoods that people the world over will forever be in denial about.
6. Why are there people who are mental hurricanes; they leave a trail of disaster from the starting point of their storm and they feel no guilt whatsoever for what they have done? I've never met a person like that. Generally it's me creating a disaster in my mind. I over react to the actions of others as they pertain to me (e.g. I left my purse at a train-station, I calmly told my ride I'd be a few extra minutes and I went to lost and found and got it, called the right numbers to make sure nothing was stolen; Someone I know doesn't say hi to me and I think the world is over)
7. Are people basically good or evil? The christian viewpoint says that we were made in god's image and therefore we must be good. But having seen Superman recently, I keep thinking of Jor-El's comment about the human race having a great capacity for good and we just need someone to show us how. If we have the capacity for goodness, then we must not be inherently good. Personally, I believe we are neither good nor evil in nature. It is only our individual consciences, our choices and behaviors which define us as individuals who are good or evil.
8. After marital rows (fights), do you have great sex? I'm not married, nor have I ever been. I've also been in relatively few relationships. I've had great Ex-Sex, I've had great make-up sex after getting back together with the boyfriend from question #5 which would be the closest thing. I also never really fought much with my boyfriends. I learned from my mother (who learned from her mother) how to be a very good martyr. I mope, I pout, I know how to make people feel guilty, and I hold a grudge - I don't see good post-fight sex coming from that.
9. Are Extra-marital affairs bad or acceptable? I I think it's wrong for the married person, and I think it's wrong of a single person sleeping with that married person. Maybe I should go back and add to question #4 that we don't have enough of a respect for marriage vows. It is a commitment to a single person for the rest of your life and that includes your body. This is probably why I will never get married, I can't imagine being satisfied by a single partner until the end of time. I wouldn't have the same dinner every night into eternity. But if I did get married I wouldn't cheat. And yet....I was thinking about my current physical relationship and if I would still sleep with him if he was married. Maybe I should have not thought of it directly after being with him, because I couldn't imagine that stopping me. (Maybe I'm just over sexed.)
Of course there is the whole sub-set of "open marriages" where people who are married have the consent of their spouse to have sex with other people. I'm not sure what I feel about that. Maybe I'm just hanging on to my conservative upbringing, but I think that that type of relationship could cause some strife eventually. But at the same time, if both parties are genuinely fine with the arrangement and it works for them, who am I to judge.
10. Should you have kids? I don't believe in "should" (for most things...I still believe that I should be living on my own at my age) You should go to college, should get married, should have kids, should be a stay at home mom, should be happy with it. Blech. Life is too short to do only what you "should." Too many people in this world are miserable parents because they had kids for the sake of "should." But by all means, if somebody wants nothing more in the world than to be a parent, they "should" go for it.
1. What is your definition of a good friend? Somebody who is there for you no matter what. Some one nonjudgmental even if you're on different pages with some issues. Some you can call in the middle of the night and know that they'll answer.
2. How many good friends do you have? Three-ish. I don't know that they meet those qualifications (I have a blog for that very reason--I'm not about to tell them the stuff I really get up to). But they are the people outside of my blood relatives that I still like to stay in contact with, like to hang out with when they're in town, will call while I'm stuck in a traffic jam, and who's weddings I stood up in.
3. Why are romantic relationships so important? I can't remember where I read/heard it, but I liked the sentiment-- So that we have a witness to our lives. We don't want to get to the end and realize that all we did just floats out into nothingness, but was witnessed by someone else, shared with someone else and was meaningful because of that.
4. Why is there so much divorce in the West? I think that we place too much emphasis on love, on soul mates, on weddings being the happiest day of your life and have forgotten about the commitment and work required to sustain a marriage. Someone I like and respect at work once said that rather than a commitment for life marriage was a commitment that had to be renewed everyday. I also think that society still place so much emphasis on the importance of just being married because that is what we are "supposed" to do that some enter into it with out the full realization of the work and hardships involved. (All of this is not to say that there aren't lots of acceptable reasons for getting a divorce.)
5. Why do some of us get into relationships, be they friendship or romantic, that will only lead to terrible pain? Sometimes I think we believe it is worth it. At least, I have. I had a boyfriend and I knew that we were only going to be together for the length of me getting my degree. We had broken up and gotten back together knowing full well that 6 months later it would be over again. An acquaintance of mine (who I didn't like to begin with) said that I was wasting my time (it goes back to the whole "gotta find a husband") and I totally disagreed with her. Was I just delaying the inevitable? yes. Was I just postponing my heartbreak? yes. Do I regret it? No. I was in love and I wanted to be with someone for as long as I could regardless of the bad ending. One doesn't break it off with a loved one when they get a terminal disease because you know it will end badly, you just treasure the time you have together.
And then there are the destructive, abusive relationships that people have because they think they don't deserve better, or there isn't anything better out there, or that they can "change" the person. All total and complete falsehoods that people the world over will forever be in denial about.
6. Why are there people who are mental hurricanes; they leave a trail of disaster from the starting point of their storm and they feel no guilt whatsoever for what they have done? I've never met a person like that. Generally it's me creating a disaster in my mind. I over react to the actions of others as they pertain to me (e.g. I left my purse at a train-station, I calmly told my ride I'd be a few extra minutes and I went to lost and found and got it, called the right numbers to make sure nothing was stolen; Someone I know doesn't say hi to me and I think the world is over)
7. Are people basically good or evil? The christian viewpoint says that we were made in god's image and therefore we must be good. But having seen Superman recently, I keep thinking of Jor-El's comment about the human race having a great capacity for good and we just need someone to show us how. If we have the capacity for goodness, then we must not be inherently good. Personally, I believe we are neither good nor evil in nature. It is only our individual consciences, our choices and behaviors which define us as individuals who are good or evil.
8. After marital rows (fights), do you have great sex? I'm not married, nor have I ever been. I've also been in relatively few relationships. I've had great Ex-Sex, I've had great make-up sex after getting back together with the boyfriend from question #5 which would be the closest thing. I also never really fought much with my boyfriends. I learned from my mother (who learned from her mother) how to be a very good martyr. I mope, I pout, I know how to make people feel guilty, and I hold a grudge - I don't see good post-fight sex coming from that.
9. Are Extra-marital affairs bad or acceptable? I I think it's wrong for the married person, and I think it's wrong of a single person sleeping with that married person. Maybe I should go back and add to question #4 that we don't have enough of a respect for marriage vows. It is a commitment to a single person for the rest of your life and that includes your body. This is probably why I will never get married, I can't imagine being satisfied by a single partner until the end of time. I wouldn't have the same dinner every night into eternity. But if I did get married I wouldn't cheat. And yet....I was thinking about my current physical relationship and if I would still sleep with him if he was married. Maybe I should have not thought of it directly after being with him, because I couldn't imagine that stopping me. (Maybe I'm just over sexed.)
Of course there is the whole sub-set of "open marriages" where people who are married have the consent of their spouse to have sex with other people. I'm not sure what I feel about that. Maybe I'm just hanging on to my conservative upbringing, but I think that that type of relationship could cause some strife eventually. But at the same time, if both parties are genuinely fine with the arrangement and it works for them, who am I to judge.
10. Should you have kids? I don't believe in "should" (for most things...I still believe that I should be living on my own at my age) You should go to college, should get married, should have kids, should be a stay at home mom, should be happy with it. Blech. Life is too short to do only what you "should." Too many people in this world are miserable parents because they had kids for the sake of "should." But by all means, if somebody wants nothing more in the world than to be a parent, they "should" go for it.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Le Sigh
It's 5pm and I'm still at work. Technically I don't need to be. I got here a few minutes after 9am, so I've put in my 8 hours, but I'm going out of town and will be missing 2 days of work. I only get paid for the work I put in. Unlike the salaried workers around here who can take a day off and not see a steep decline in a paycheck, I take a day off and my paycheck look sad and pathetic when it comes in.
So here I am stuck and not wanting to work. Yesterday was hellish. There is something about being in front of a room of undergrads as they stare at you as if they know everything already as if everything that comes out of your mouth is neither new nor interesting to them. In some of those cases I see that it might be true, but when I get 10 questions 5 minutes later on what I just covered, because they were checking their email instead of following the lesson...I get pissed. Today I had a break, it was actually boring. Tomorrow is more hell. But I have a new game plan for that class, I'm hoping it goes better than Monday.
On the plus side of work...I got accepted to do an internship at our University Press. It's unpaid and I'll have to cut down on my hours here in order to sleep and eat, but I'm guessing it's my ticket out of here. I'm already getting excited about it and it doesn't start until January. It seems weird to be taking the internship route again. I just finished being a Grad Assistant five months ago, and here I'm trying to learn a new trade yet again. I wish I could make up my mind about what the fuck I want to do with my life. But I think this might be it. Two and a half months...I need to get one of those blog countdowns!
I am supposed to go out with G again tonight. I told him pointblank that I teach in the morning and he gets 2 hours with me tops before I have to be home and to bed. I didn't get in to work as early as I wanted today because I was so exhausted and considered calling him up and canceling. I don't want to be mean to him. He kept saying that he just wants to hang out with me even if it's only a bit. Why is his version of being sweet such a turn off? We went out last Thursday and this past Saturday it was fantastic talking to him. I really enjoy talking to him and hanging out. He is very intellectually stimulating, but I know that the night is going to end with some making out...and frankly I'd rather not. It isn't that he's a bad kisser, just not my kind of kisser. It's kind of technical. I can feel him thinking about it.
It doesn't help that I was with J last night. Finally! It took forever to get out of my weights class and ended up running into him as I was coming out. He was super friendly and we sat and chatted a bit. Of course I had emailed him suggesting that after class might be a better time for us to get together, and had planned on waiting for him anyway. He said that his brother had his car and he didn't think mine would be big enough. I understood (in my head I'm thinking...god I've got to get an apartment-which I'm thinking is going to be a must when I'm working and interning in January so I can cut out 2 hours of commuting), but was disappointed and I left him there since he had work stuff to finish up.
Said bye to him on my way out after getting my stuff, and stopped in my office to make a couple quick phone calls. I noticed as I was closing the blinds (yes I swear! I don't stalk!) that he had left and was walking toward the parking structure, without his bike. I figured, maybe his brother was picking up there or something. So color me super surprised when I left to find him on his way back, 'cuz he'd been trying to catch up with me! :) <-----that's a picture of me beaming. He decided we should give my tiny car a go. So we did. It worked for a quicky which is all either of us had time for. I was exhausted from being up at 5:45am, and he had lesson plans to write. It's funny because in talking on the way to my car (he mentioned being really horny, which I had to agree with and the conversation got more provocative from there) I took his arm and he totally let me walk with him that way. Awww...isn't it sweet? I know I'm totally pathetic. Here's to hoping that Wednesday turns out as good.
So here I am stuck and not wanting to work. Yesterday was hellish. There is something about being in front of a room of undergrads as they stare at you as if they know everything already as if everything that comes out of your mouth is neither new nor interesting to them. In some of those cases I see that it might be true, but when I get 10 questions 5 minutes later on what I just covered, because they were checking their email instead of following the lesson...I get pissed. Today I had a break, it was actually boring. Tomorrow is more hell. But I have a new game plan for that class, I'm hoping it goes better than Monday.
On the plus side of work...I got accepted to do an internship at our University Press. It's unpaid and I'll have to cut down on my hours here in order to sleep and eat, but I'm guessing it's my ticket out of here. I'm already getting excited about it and it doesn't start until January. It seems weird to be taking the internship route again. I just finished being a Grad Assistant five months ago, and here I'm trying to learn a new trade yet again. I wish I could make up my mind about what the fuck I want to do with my life. But I think this might be it. Two and a half months...I need to get one of those blog countdowns!
I am supposed to go out with G again tonight. I told him pointblank that I teach in the morning and he gets 2 hours with me tops before I have to be home and to bed. I didn't get in to work as early as I wanted today because I was so exhausted and considered calling him up and canceling. I don't want to be mean to him. He kept saying that he just wants to hang out with me even if it's only a bit. Why is his version of being sweet such a turn off? We went out last Thursday and this past Saturday it was fantastic talking to him. I really enjoy talking to him and hanging out. He is very intellectually stimulating, but I know that the night is going to end with some making out...and frankly I'd rather not. It isn't that he's a bad kisser, just not my kind of kisser. It's kind of technical. I can feel him thinking about it.
It doesn't help that I was with J last night. Finally! It took forever to get out of my weights class and ended up running into him as I was coming out. He was super friendly and we sat and chatted a bit. Of course I had emailed him suggesting that after class might be a better time for us to get together, and had planned on waiting for him anyway. He said that his brother had his car and he didn't think mine would be big enough. I understood (in my head I'm thinking...god I've got to get an apartment-which I'm thinking is going to be a must when I'm working and interning in January so I can cut out 2 hours of commuting), but was disappointed and I left him there since he had work stuff to finish up.
Said bye to him on my way out after getting my stuff, and stopped in my office to make a couple quick phone calls. I noticed as I was closing the blinds (yes I swear! I don't stalk!) that he had left and was walking toward the parking structure, without his bike. I figured, maybe his brother was picking up there or something. So color me super surprised when I left to find him on his way back, 'cuz he'd been trying to catch up with me! :) <-----that's a picture of me beaming. He decided we should give my tiny car a go. So we did. It worked for a quicky which is all either of us had time for. I was exhausted from being up at 5:45am, and he had lesson plans to write. It's funny because in talking on the way to my car (he mentioned being really horny, which I had to agree with and the conversation got more provocative from there) I took his arm and he totally let me walk with him that way. Awww...isn't it sweet? I know I'm totally pathetic. Here's to hoping that Wednesday turns out as good.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
At least; and Some other Thinking
I know I know, I don't need to think any more abou this stuff. It's already doing my head in.
But, At Least J is only my bedroom (car?) buddy and I'm not married to the dude (thank god I also always remember my pill...no babies for this girl). I went to True Wife Confessions which I hadn't been to in a while. Wow does it make the single life look good and what I'm dealing with a little on the shallow end of "relationship" woes.
I broke down and Emailed J again. I didn't feel like I should have to. But then I realized, I'm not looking for a long term commitment here, he's never going to be my boyfriend, he's not going to ask me out, so what really is the difference if I play by the "If he's interested, he'll do the work" Rules? I want to get laid. I want him to freakin' sleep with me. It's not rocket science, it's not rose petals and candle light. It's sex. And if I have to do the booty-callin' I freakin' will. I am damn attracted to him, and so what if he knows it.
In fact, I was further thinking, if this does end up ending (it's gettin' mighty cold out there these days) that I don't really regret anything that I've done. It's always what I haven't done that bothers me more. Not stopping and saying hi, not calling, not being more specific about why I'm calling, not being more complimentary in the sack (he's fantastic if you haven't figured that out).
I am wondering about some things though. Monday class was great. J talked to me before class and during class we kept eyeing each other like we knew what was coming the next day. I didn't manage to see him after class. Maybe that's where I erred? Got stood up on Tuesday. And yesterday's class was cold. He didn't say hello when I came in. He did help with a step, but I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't so he can dance with my partner. He wouldn't let me be a follower when she left early and gave me some other girl who was also learning to lead to be my follower. He did't say anything leaving either. Before he would at least say thanks for coming to class. Last night I did see him after class he was talking to a group of people from his class and I walked by. Maybe it wasn't the most mature thing to do. But I can give as good as I get and if he wanted to ignore me I could ignore him too. I didn't walk into class upset or angry with him. I was going to totally play it off because I know he's busy, but then he pulled this guilty boyfriend, "I'll prentend there's nothing here" crap act. And I got pissed.
So maybe emailing was me caving in. Feeling bad for not stopping to talk to him. But at the same time as being pissed, I'm also fairly shy. I didn't know these people, one guy came out of the elevator and the two did the male equivalent of the girly high-pitched scream of recognition (i.e. they seemed to be good friends who hadn't seen each other in a while). So I got my socially awkward ass out of there with out saying hi (or looking his way...I didn't want him to see me with the angry and disapointed look on my face...as if a guy would even notice!). I apologized in my email and made up some excuse as to why I wasn't able to stay.
We'll see if he takes it. More and more though (it has now been a month since our last randeveux) I think he's just lost interest in me. Though my mind boggles at the idea of a guy losing interest in no-strings-attached sex with a cute girl. Unless of course he's found someone he's interested in on a deeper level. Then I'm screwed. 'Cuz when I decided to hop in his backseat that door slammed shut.
I was watching Sex and the City last night. I was never an avid fan, but I kept up enough to know what was what. And I blame tv for telling women (and even some men) to not give up on the "one that got away" or what ever reason the relationship is unrequited. Ross pines for Rachel forever, their on-again-off-again, but they end up together at the end. The whole Monica / Chandler story-line teaches us that something that starts out as sex can naturally grow into a fufilling and life-long relationship complete with wedding, house and babies. That's pure unicorns and fairy-dust if I ever saw it. And just how many times did Mr. Big screw over Carrie Bradshaw (well, I don't know, how many episodes did the show run?), he used her to cheat on his wife for cryin' out loud. But there he is on the last episode rescuing her in Paris as if it were really true love or something. And of course there was the whole Aidan story line where she messes up a good thing to sleep with Big. I don't think I have it in me to stand up G (where supposed to have a date tonight) if J said how about tonight. But I could easily cancel a class, do J and then go on a date with G. I generally spend most of my dates with G wondering why I can't be holding J's hand or cuddling with J. Hell, I was watching Superman and kept comparing him to J. Why do we forsake the nice guys and like the jerks? All the while bemoaning the fact that there are no nice guys to treat us like we deserve?
I could rant about romance novels too. I read some in my younger days where the "hero" basically rapes the "heroine" in the guise of "teaching" her to be a woman/wife/whatever and of course she learns to love him the end and they live happily ever after. No wonder we all equate love with sex. For my own part, my parents had sex to have babies and that's it. Otherwise my entire life they've slept in seperate rooms. Even as a kid I knew this wasn't right and I grew up thinking that I would never be with a guy who didn't want to sleep with me all the time (and yes I do mean sleep with me).
Anyway...thinking thinking and more thinking.
I think I'll go obsess over why I don't have a reply from J in my inbox yet.
But, At Least J is only my bedroom (car?) buddy and I'm not married to the dude (thank god I also always remember my pill...no babies for this girl). I went to True Wife Confessions which I hadn't been to in a while. Wow does it make the single life look good and what I'm dealing with a little on the shallow end of "relationship" woes.
I broke down and Emailed J again. I didn't feel like I should have to. But then I realized, I'm not looking for a long term commitment here, he's never going to be my boyfriend, he's not going to ask me out, so what really is the difference if I play by the "If he's interested, he'll do the work" Rules? I want to get laid. I want him to freakin' sleep with me. It's not rocket science, it's not rose petals and candle light. It's sex. And if I have to do the booty-callin' I freakin' will. I am damn attracted to him, and so what if he knows it.
In fact, I was further thinking, if this does end up ending (it's gettin' mighty cold out there these days) that I don't really regret anything that I've done. It's always what I haven't done that bothers me more. Not stopping and saying hi, not calling, not being more specific about why I'm calling, not being more complimentary in the sack (he's fantastic if you haven't figured that out).
I am wondering about some things though. Monday class was great. J talked to me before class and during class we kept eyeing each other like we knew what was coming the next day. I didn't manage to see him after class. Maybe that's where I erred? Got stood up on Tuesday. And yesterday's class was cold. He didn't say hello when I came in. He did help with a step, but I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't so he can dance with my partner. He wouldn't let me be a follower when she left early and gave me some other girl who was also learning to lead to be my follower. He did't say anything leaving either. Before he would at least say thanks for coming to class. Last night I did see him after class he was talking to a group of people from his class and I walked by. Maybe it wasn't the most mature thing to do. But I can give as good as I get and if he wanted to ignore me I could ignore him too. I didn't walk into class upset or angry with him. I was going to totally play it off because I know he's busy, but then he pulled this guilty boyfriend, "I'll prentend there's nothing here" crap act. And I got pissed.
So maybe emailing was me caving in. Feeling bad for not stopping to talk to him. But at the same time as being pissed, I'm also fairly shy. I didn't know these people, one guy came out of the elevator and the two did the male equivalent of the girly high-pitched scream of recognition (i.e. they seemed to be good friends who hadn't seen each other in a while). So I got my socially awkward ass out of there with out saying hi (or looking his way...I didn't want him to see me with the angry and disapointed look on my face...as if a guy would even notice!). I apologized in my email and made up some excuse as to why I wasn't able to stay.
We'll see if he takes it. More and more though (it has now been a month since our last randeveux) I think he's just lost interest in me. Though my mind boggles at the idea of a guy losing interest in no-strings-attached sex with a cute girl. Unless of course he's found someone he's interested in on a deeper level. Then I'm screwed. 'Cuz when I decided to hop in his backseat that door slammed shut.
I was watching Sex and the City last night. I was never an avid fan, but I kept up enough to know what was what. And I blame tv for telling women (and even some men) to not give up on the "one that got away" or what ever reason the relationship is unrequited. Ross pines for Rachel forever, their on-again-off-again, but they end up together at the end. The whole Monica / Chandler story-line teaches us that something that starts out as sex can naturally grow into a fufilling and life-long relationship complete with wedding, house and babies. That's pure unicorns and fairy-dust if I ever saw it. And just how many times did Mr. Big screw over Carrie Bradshaw (well, I don't know, how many episodes did the show run?), he used her to cheat on his wife for cryin' out loud. But there he is on the last episode rescuing her in Paris as if it were really true love or something. And of course there was the whole Aidan story line where she messes up a good thing to sleep with Big. I don't think I have it in me to stand up G (where supposed to have a date tonight) if J said how about tonight. But I could easily cancel a class, do J and then go on a date with G. I generally spend most of my dates with G wondering why I can't be holding J's hand or cuddling with J. Hell, I was watching Superman and kept comparing him to J. Why do we forsake the nice guys and like the jerks? All the while bemoaning the fact that there are no nice guys to treat us like we deserve?
I could rant about romance novels too. I read some in my younger days where the "hero" basically rapes the "heroine" in the guise of "teaching" her to be a woman/wife/whatever and of course she learns to love him the end and they live happily ever after. No wonder we all equate love with sex. For my own part, my parents had sex to have babies and that's it. Otherwise my entire life they've slept in seperate rooms. Even as a kid I knew this wasn't right and I grew up thinking that I would never be with a guy who didn't want to sleep with me all the time (and yes I do mean sleep with me).
Anyway...thinking thinking and more thinking.
I think I'll go obsess over why I don't have a reply from J in my inbox yet.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Will all the real men please stand up? - oh wait...
I got stood up.
The guy that is only around to fuck me stood me up.
That is some really pathetic shit.
He emailed me and said lets get together this day. I said yes. Then nothing.
Nothing to set up a time.
Nothing to say where to meet.
Just nothing.
Yesterday came and went with more silence.
He can't even put in the effort to get a little no-strings-attached action.
Am I that forgettable? Am I repugnant and haven't noticed?
Too busy I get.
Found somebody else? Fine, just let me know.
Lost interest? Okay, make the too busy excuse and call it quits.
Just fucking let me know! That's all I want. The consideration of canceling on me. It doesn't take alot and I'd have been disappointed, but at least I wouldn't be furious like I am now.
The guy that is only around to fuck me stood me up.
That is some really pathetic shit.
He emailed me and said lets get together this day. I said yes. Then nothing.
Nothing to set up a time.
Nothing to say where to meet.
Just nothing.
Yesterday came and went with more silence.
He can't even put in the effort to get a little no-strings-attached action.
Am I that forgettable? Am I repugnant and haven't noticed?
Too busy I get.
Found somebody else? Fine, just let me know.
Lost interest? Okay, make the too busy excuse and call it quits.
Just fucking let me know! That's all I want. The consideration of canceling on me. It doesn't take alot and I'd have been disappointed, but at least I wouldn't be furious like I am now.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I don't wanna grow up, 'cuz if I did...
I'd have to deal with grown up shit like taking care of a car that refuses to work.
Woke up yesterday got ready on time, had to leave the house at 7:15am in order to be to work at 8 so that I could leave for J's dance class. But when I got in the car at 7:12am it refused to start. It was obviously the battery because all the lights would twitter and the wipers would jump around a bit.
So back in the house I go. I figure, we have a second car it shouldn't be too hard to jump, I even have cables in my trunk. But no. My mother says, call AAA I have a dentist appointment and proceeds to leave. WTF? Not that I want my mother's help on every little thing, but when someone is obviously in distress, your daughter! and to just walk away.
So yeah, I called Triple A and they sent somebody out who got there at 8:15am, jumped the car and off I went. I got in at 9am instead of 8 and decided since I didn't have anything majorly pressing I'd go to class anyway and come in at 8am today to make up the hour (I can do that here). Go to dance class, which was a good one. J actually came around and gave me help/feedback and gave me a quick hand squeeze as he moved on to the next couple. I didn't get to talk to him afterwards because I'm a moron and didn't wait for him (I've been kicking myself- we are supposed to get together today, but he hasn't emailed me what time - I leave work in less than 2 hours!)
Anyway, so I was kicking myself for not being able to stall long enough to see him and went to my car. Guess what? You see where this is going don't you? It wouldn't start. So I had to wait for somebody again to come jump start the car so I could drive home. Get home tell my mother that I'm going to need a jump in the morning and that I'll need to take the car in to get fixed. Then she starts in on how much a new battery is going to cost and that I should talk to my dad to find out the difference in the cost between having the alternator fixed (if that's the problem) or the battery. Like that is going to change what's wrong with my car - the cost. My mistake was telling her that and she gets all pissed. (Turns out I should have talked to my dad because I got overcharged for my battery).
Next morning go to get my car jumped, neither my mother nor her husband know how to jump start a car (neither do I really) so I have to call AAA again and request somebody come start it. They do. I drive to work. I'm at a red light, it stops. I make a whole host of people angry 'cuz it's a heavy intersection. Some very generous guy comes by and starts my car again. I get to the service place and the guy that I usually take my car to doesn't work there anymore. He always gave me a loaner, if he had I'd have still made it to work just after 8 to make up my hour of time from the day before. But he's not there and the guy I got says no, you'll have to wait. We'll be fast and have you to work. Yeah right. I got to work at 10, just in the nick of time for an important meeting.
I hate being an adult.
Woke up yesterday got ready on time, had to leave the house at 7:15am in order to be to work at 8 so that I could leave for J's dance class. But when I got in the car at 7:12am it refused to start. It was obviously the battery because all the lights would twitter and the wipers would jump around a bit.
So back in the house I go. I figure, we have a second car it shouldn't be too hard to jump, I even have cables in my trunk. But no. My mother says, call AAA I have a dentist appointment and proceeds to leave. WTF? Not that I want my mother's help on every little thing, but when someone is obviously in distress, your daughter! and to just walk away.
So yeah, I called Triple A and they sent somebody out who got there at 8:15am, jumped the car and off I went. I got in at 9am instead of 8 and decided since I didn't have anything majorly pressing I'd go to class anyway and come in at 8am today to make up the hour (I can do that here). Go to dance class, which was a good one. J actually came around and gave me help/feedback and gave me a quick hand squeeze as he moved on to the next couple. I didn't get to talk to him afterwards because I'm a moron and didn't wait for him (I've been kicking myself- we are supposed to get together today, but he hasn't emailed me what time - I leave work in less than 2 hours!)
Anyway, so I was kicking myself for not being able to stall long enough to see him and went to my car. Guess what? You see where this is going don't you? It wouldn't start. So I had to wait for somebody again to come jump start the car so I could drive home. Get home tell my mother that I'm going to need a jump in the morning and that I'll need to take the car in to get fixed. Then she starts in on how much a new battery is going to cost and that I should talk to my dad to find out the difference in the cost between having the alternator fixed (if that's the problem) or the battery. Like that is going to change what's wrong with my car - the cost. My mistake was telling her that and she gets all pissed. (Turns out I should have talked to my dad because I got overcharged for my battery).
Next morning go to get my car jumped, neither my mother nor her husband know how to jump start a car (neither do I really) so I have to call AAA again and request somebody come start it. They do. I drive to work. I'm at a red light, it stops. I make a whole host of people angry 'cuz it's a heavy intersection. Some very generous guy comes by and starts my car again. I get to the service place and the guy that I usually take my car to doesn't work there anymore. He always gave me a loaner, if he had I'd have still made it to work just after 8 to make up my hour of time from the day before. But he's not there and the guy I got says no, you'll have to wait. We'll be fast and have you to work. Yeah right. I got to work at 10, just in the nick of time for an important meeting.
I hate being an adult.
Monday, October 09, 2006
What the fuck? Am I imagining my presence here?
So a friend of mine from work has an annual party around Octoberfest. Last year I was with my X and in order for other co-workers to not know we were dating we did not go to the party. I suppose I could have left him at home, but I didn't think about that at the time. So this year I was invited again, and with her having recently moved to a job out of town, I wanted a chance to catch up with her. Little did I know what a big deal her party is. Basically, other than her and her boyfriend I knew no-one. Usually it's not a huge deal at a party you can sit on the couch with a drink and get to know some people and join a conversation. Not so much in this case. It was all family and a few work friends from a job previous to where I met her. It was the most awkward 3 hours I've encountered in a long time.
After a couple of hours a second co-worker showed up, and I thought, at last! somebody I can talk to. Yeah, not so much, co-worker #2 had met quite alot of #1's family before. So it was about 45 minutes before #2 made it round to saying hi to me. We hung for a 20 minutes also catching up (co-worker #2 had recently changed departments and works from home most often) and then she decided to leave. I figured I'd take the chance to duck out since I wasn't having fun anyway. So I'm standing there saying good-bye to the host (co-worker #1) with my other friend (co-worker #2) and #1 says to #2 I'm so sad we didn't get to catch up, and then proceeds to invite #2 back over to the house the following day to finish of the food and drinks. I'm standing there, thinking, is it just my imagination or did we not catch up either. I've been standing here for 3 hours feeling awkward at your party, and got to talk to you for all of 2 minutes. So I just stand there with a fake smile plastered to my face while they make plans. Then #1 turns to me and asks if I want my tupperware back now or when she stops in to the old workplace on monday (because, yes, I was polite enough to come over with something for the party).
I thought I was invisible before, but now I realize that I'm really just a doormat. What is the point of making friends, or being nice to people, when they don't give a shit about you really? Am I secretly unlikable? Why do I get the invite to the gianormous party, but not to hang out with the people that I actually do know? Apparently these people aren't as good of friends as I thought. It makes me wonder why I even bother.
After a couple of hours a second co-worker showed up, and I thought, at last! somebody I can talk to. Yeah, not so much, co-worker #2 had met quite alot of #1's family before. So it was about 45 minutes before #2 made it round to saying hi to me. We hung for a 20 minutes also catching up (co-worker #2 had recently changed departments and works from home most often) and then she decided to leave. I figured I'd take the chance to duck out since I wasn't having fun anyway. So I'm standing there saying good-bye to the host (co-worker #1) with my other friend (co-worker #2) and #1 says to #2 I'm so sad we didn't get to catch up, and then proceeds to invite #2 back over to the house the following day to finish of the food and drinks. I'm standing there, thinking, is it just my imagination or did we not catch up either. I've been standing here for 3 hours feeling awkward at your party, and got to talk to you for all of 2 minutes. So I just stand there with a fake smile plastered to my face while they make plans. Then #1 turns to me and asks if I want my tupperware back now or when she stops in to the old workplace on monday (because, yes, I was polite enough to come over with something for the party).
I thought I was invisible before, but now I realize that I'm really just a doormat. What is the point of making friends, or being nice to people, when they don't give a shit about you really? Am I secretly unlikable? Why do I get the invite to the gianormous party, but not to hang out with the people that I actually do know? Apparently these people aren't as good of friends as I thought. It makes me wonder why I even bother.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Friday Fun Quiz
You Are Kermit |
![]() Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know. You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems. Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green. Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies! |
I love these things. Maybe it's all in the interpretation (or changing your answers until you get what you want), but I think it might be right. I am friendly, but I do over think things way too much. Can you believe I even wore green today?
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Abandon All Hope
The same with job applications, I think that guys have a psychic link that let them know when your hope has reached it's very last drop before they throw you a life line.
J wants to get together. So the boy is capable of using my email and contacting me when he wants me which means this is more of a dry spell. I don't know why I've been so worried. It isn't like we haven't gone weeks inbetween before. I just never obsessed this much before. It'll be interesting to see if I can bring up the ignoring thing. I know I don't have the courage to bring up the subject of the pretty girl in class. I don't want to invite that comparison from any male!
Sad, how giddy I get from 2 lines in an email. But he asked me. I didn't have to call and leave un-subtle hints. Whoo hoo!
J wants to get together. So the boy is capable of using my email and contacting me when he wants me which means this is more of a dry spell. I don't know why I've been so worried. It isn't like we haven't gone weeks inbetween before. I just never obsessed this much before. It'll be interesting to see if I can bring up the ignoring thing. I know I don't have the courage to bring up the subject of the pretty girl in class. I don't want to invite that comparison from any male!
Sad, how giddy I get from 2 lines in an email. But he asked me. I didn't have to call and leave un-subtle hints. Whoo hoo!
There Can't Be Only One and Me, the Green Eyed Monster
I don't believe in soul mates. I never have. I suppose it goes back to my religious upbringing initially. I was raised to believe that man doesn't have an immortal soul. There is no floaty spriritual whats-it residing inside of our fleshy bodies waiting to be let out and float on to some type of netherworld either good or bad.
So if we don't have immortal souls how can we be looking for that one other soul that is the companion to yours? And if the soul is supposedly immortal, isn't the subtext of the "soul mate" that this is the other soul that your soul wants to be with forever, into immortality? Also the underlying implication with soul mates is that There Can Be Only One.
Only one? Out of the billions of people in this world, out of the hundreds or thousands that we come across in our life, you are supposed to pick just one. Not even pick, really. But find, out of all of those people you're supposed to find the single individual that is going to be the epitome of love, acceptance, companionship, trust etc. for you.
It is the single most depressing thing I can think of. It's like searching for a needle in a haystack. But at least then the needle might accidentally lodge into your skin while you're looking. Not so much with a soul mate.
And then there is the idea of finding everything you're looking for (or close enough to be happy) in that one person. I can't confide everything into an anonymous blog, much less anyone who is close to me. Maybe it's my own wacky trust issues, but frankly I don't see how someone that I hold in as high a regard as loving them would be remotely interested in spending eternity with me. It reminds me of the famous quote I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member. There are too many things which I dislike about myself and while I think it's sweet when a guy re-assures me about my hang-ups, in the back of my mind I think they're either lying, blind, or stupid.
I am actually of the belief that there are any number of people in this world at any given time who would make a suitable companion. It all depends on where you are in life really. For instance, if you meet your soul mate when you are 12 chances are you're not going to make it through the long haul, because people change way too much as they get older. Or during a mid-life crisis, when things settle down that soul mate might not be looking like such a great idea. But if they really are your soul mate, and no will ever be the other half to you the way they are (my other problem with soul mates and that stupid movie Jerry McGuire) then you're doomed to unhappiness regardless.
But if we accept the fact that there is no single perfect match for us and instead there are any number of perfect, adequate, and good matches for us suddenly our chances of finding happiness with a companion at any given time in our life get alot better. And if it doesn't work out with your high school sweetheart, once you've matured a little you'll find the next great match, and the next until maybe you're settled completely and pick just one great match that you commit to forever (hopefully, but probably not).
L once told me that my theory sounds horribly depressing...but I think of it like the Lottery. You don't just buy one ticket and pick one number in the hopes of striking it rich. You buy a few tickets and a bunch of numbers, because then if you get even one right, you've gotten lucky. What does L know anyway? He expressed the wish for a girlfriend to do everything with and I think that is the most stulifying existence to wish for. A girl needs her girlfriends, her sisters, her family, her guy friends, her classmates, her co-workers, her work-out buddy, her lover, her help-mate, her companion, her confidant etc etc etc. Granted it would be great to have a partner that was most of those things, but lets face it, there is just no way for one person to be it all. (L later used my comment to try to insinuate himself into the role of lover; hmm...can we say hypocrite? he doesn't want a girlfriend, he wants a booty call. Sorry, L I got one of those arleady and he's far superior.)
Granted all of this itself sounds rather hypocritical coming from me, considering how badly I want J to want me as more than a sex object, but I'd settle for him wanting me more. As long as it wasn't these 3 week stretches of me trying to guess if it's a busy dry spell or the beginning of the end. I wish I could just be happy with what I do get, not that I want to "settle," I just wish I could be realistic. I had a bad night last night...one of those days when I thought something would happen with J and nothing did. Worse, it was beyond nothing. I got stuck leading in class again, he said he appreciated me coming, and then nothing. I tried to wait after class to walk out with him at the least, but that didn't work. I got the impression that he was avoiding me. I don't know if it's him trying to play it cool. It would not do well let other students/staff at the gym to know about us, but at the same time why can't friends walk out together. I feel like I'm back to the summer when I was crushing on him and not knowing what was going to happen if anything, going to class all of the time just to dance with and be near him (though now I don't get to dance with him).
There is a girl in class who is beautiful, and she's really sexy. She belly dances already so she's naturally got the super sexy hip swing going on when she dances. The hip swing I'm still working on. She was my partner for class, next to her I have the body of a 14 year old boy (but with a bit more hip). It doesn't help that I wear a sports bra because I go straight to weights class after. Maybe if I hadn't been faced with that all class and then not gotten a chance to talk to J I wouldn't have been quite so depressed. She's very conservative, she won't be his demonstration partner, because he'll actually grab and move your leg, hip, or arms where they should be if you're doing it wrong. It was one thing that I liked about the summer class. She actually left last week because of it. Secretly I hoped she wouldn't come back to class at all, but there she was yesterday. I have a feeling that alot of the ladies in the class come for the dance and keep coming back for J. This girl in particular, was always aware of when he was around, "oh here he comes, he's watching us" even if he wasn't watching us and just happened to be near us. I know how that felt, when I messed up every time he'd pull me into a close hold or come over and watch my technique. Part of it is having the hots for him and the other is the fact that he's the teacher. In trying to hard to be good in front of the instructor invariably you mess up. But I find it annoying to. On the one hand, I know I'm just being jealous. I feel like he ignores me during class. The one time I wasn't leading the guy I was with kept nearly taking my arm off or knocking me in the head turning because he wasn't getting his arm up high enough and not once did J come over and correct it. I know he's got alot of couples to keep an eye on, but I feel like he's avoiding me. It makes me want to return the favor and stop going to his class. But that wouldn't get me anywhere.
So if we don't have immortal souls how can we be looking for that one other soul that is the companion to yours? And if the soul is supposedly immortal, isn't the subtext of the "soul mate" that this is the other soul that your soul wants to be with forever, into immortality? Also the underlying implication with soul mates is that There Can Be Only One.
Only one? Out of the billions of people in this world, out of the hundreds or thousands that we come across in our life, you are supposed to pick just one. Not even pick, really. But find, out of all of those people you're supposed to find the single individual that is going to be the epitome of love, acceptance, companionship, trust etc. for you.
It is the single most depressing thing I can think of. It's like searching for a needle in a haystack. But at least then the needle might accidentally lodge into your skin while you're looking. Not so much with a soul mate.
And then there is the idea of finding everything you're looking for (or close enough to be happy) in that one person. I can't confide everything into an anonymous blog, much less anyone who is close to me. Maybe it's my own wacky trust issues, but frankly I don't see how someone that I hold in as high a regard as loving them would be remotely interested in spending eternity with me. It reminds me of the famous quote I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member. There are too many things which I dislike about myself and while I think it's sweet when a guy re-assures me about my hang-ups, in the back of my mind I think they're either lying, blind, or stupid.
I am actually of the belief that there are any number of people in this world at any given time who would make a suitable companion. It all depends on where you are in life really. For instance, if you meet your soul mate when you are 12 chances are you're not going to make it through the long haul, because people change way too much as they get older. Or during a mid-life crisis, when things settle down that soul mate might not be looking like such a great idea. But if they really are your soul mate, and no will ever be the other half to you the way they are (my other problem with soul mates and that stupid movie Jerry McGuire) then you're doomed to unhappiness regardless.
But if we accept the fact that there is no single perfect match for us and instead there are any number of perfect, adequate, and good matches for us suddenly our chances of finding happiness with a companion at any given time in our life get alot better. And if it doesn't work out with your high school sweetheart, once you've matured a little you'll find the next great match, and the next until maybe you're settled completely and pick just one great match that you commit to forever (hopefully, but probably not).
L once told me that my theory sounds horribly depressing...but I think of it like the Lottery. You don't just buy one ticket and pick one number in the hopes of striking it rich. You buy a few tickets and a bunch of numbers, because then if you get even one right, you've gotten lucky. What does L know anyway? He expressed the wish for a girlfriend to do everything with and I think that is the most stulifying existence to wish for. A girl needs her girlfriends, her sisters, her family, her guy friends, her classmates, her co-workers, her work-out buddy, her lover, her help-mate, her companion, her confidant etc etc etc. Granted it would be great to have a partner that was most of those things, but lets face it, there is just no way for one person to be it all. (L later used my comment to try to insinuate himself into the role of lover; hmm...can we say hypocrite? he doesn't want a girlfriend, he wants a booty call. Sorry, L I got one of those arleady and he's far superior.)
Granted all of this itself sounds rather hypocritical coming from me, considering how badly I want J to want me as more than a sex object, but I'd settle for him wanting me more. As long as it wasn't these 3 week stretches of me trying to guess if it's a busy dry spell or the beginning of the end. I wish I could just be happy with what I do get, not that I want to "settle," I just wish I could be realistic. I had a bad night last night...one of those days when I thought something would happen with J and nothing did. Worse, it was beyond nothing. I got stuck leading in class again, he said he appreciated me coming, and then nothing. I tried to wait after class to walk out with him at the least, but that didn't work. I got the impression that he was avoiding me. I don't know if it's him trying to play it cool. It would not do well let other students/staff at the gym to know about us, but at the same time why can't friends walk out together. I feel like I'm back to the summer when I was crushing on him and not knowing what was going to happen if anything, going to class all of the time just to dance with and be near him (though now I don't get to dance with him).
There is a girl in class who is beautiful, and she's really sexy. She belly dances already so she's naturally got the super sexy hip swing going on when she dances. The hip swing I'm still working on. She was my partner for class, next to her I have the body of a 14 year old boy (but with a bit more hip). It doesn't help that I wear a sports bra because I go straight to weights class after. Maybe if I hadn't been faced with that all class and then not gotten a chance to talk to J I wouldn't have been quite so depressed. She's very conservative, she won't be his demonstration partner, because he'll actually grab and move your leg, hip, or arms where they should be if you're doing it wrong. It was one thing that I liked about the summer class. She actually left last week because of it. Secretly I hoped she wouldn't come back to class at all, but there she was yesterday. I have a feeling that alot of the ladies in the class come for the dance and keep coming back for J. This girl in particular, was always aware of when he was around, "oh here he comes, he's watching us" even if he wasn't watching us and just happened to be near us. I know how that felt, when I messed up every time he'd pull me into a close hold or come over and watch my technique. Part of it is having the hots for him and the other is the fact that he's the teacher. In trying to hard to be good in front of the instructor invariably you mess up. But I find it annoying to. On the one hand, I know I'm just being jealous. I feel like he ignores me during class. The one time I wasn't leading the guy I was with kept nearly taking my arm off or knocking me in the head turning because he wasn't getting his arm up high enough and not once did J come over and correct it. I know he's got alot of couples to keep an eye on, but I feel like he's avoiding me. It makes me want to return the favor and stop going to his class. But that wouldn't get me anywhere.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
I think Junk Food tastes so Good because it's Bad for you
I have this habit of wanting what I can't have.
No progress, or should I say illumination, has been made with J. I realize he's busy, but a little something so that I know what page I'm on wouldn't be so hard would it? It's hard because I want him so badly and I'm hardly even getting a flirt out of him. I guess it's not really so different from this summer when he blew hot and cold then. I don't know why I'm obsessing when things (except these weird all-you-get-is-a-hug moments) are pretty much status quo.
G on the otherhand, is doing everything right. He's taking me out, he says he wants to spend more time with me, he likes how well we get along and how comfortable it is hanging out with me. He kissed me after our 3rd date and we made out for a long time on our 4th, but he was totally above board. Unlike L, there was no groping no mauling, just your average necking on the guy's couch.
So if he's doing everything right, and I like hanging out with him, why don't I want G the way I want J?
Obviously some of it comes down to physical attraction. I only have to think about J in order to get totally turned on and I can't believe that no-one can feel the heat radiating off of me when I'm in the same room with him. When we dance (not very often these days) I sometimes feel like I'll burst from wanting him so much. Objectively speaking I don't find G all that attractive, but he's easy to talk to and not a bad kisser.
So rather than taking the guy who's doing everything right I'm obsessing over the guy I can't really have except for the occassional BSS when he feels like it.
On the one hand it's easier, the total lack of commitment, not having to accomodate J into my schedule like I do with J. I already hurt so it's not like if he were to "break-up" with me that I could feel much worse. And after having been with the X where things were so comfortable and good I can imagine the pain I would be in if G ever broke my heart. Wanting what I can't have at least keeps me safe from that.
No progress, or should I say illumination, has been made with J. I realize he's busy, but a little something so that I know what page I'm on wouldn't be so hard would it? It's hard because I want him so badly and I'm hardly even getting a flirt out of him. I guess it's not really so different from this summer when he blew hot and cold then. I don't know why I'm obsessing when things (except these weird all-you-get-is-a-hug moments) are pretty much status quo.
G on the otherhand, is doing everything right. He's taking me out, he says he wants to spend more time with me, he likes how well we get along and how comfortable it is hanging out with me. He kissed me after our 3rd date and we made out for a long time on our 4th, but he was totally above board. Unlike L, there was no groping no mauling, just your average necking on the guy's couch.
So if he's doing everything right, and I like hanging out with him, why don't I want G the way I want J?
Obviously some of it comes down to physical attraction. I only have to think about J in order to get totally turned on and I can't believe that no-one can feel the heat radiating off of me when I'm in the same room with him. When we dance (not very often these days) I sometimes feel like I'll burst from wanting him so much. Objectively speaking I don't find G all that attractive, but he's easy to talk to and not a bad kisser.
So rather than taking the guy who's doing everything right I'm obsessing over the guy I can't really have except for the occassional BSS when he feels like it.
On the one hand it's easier, the total lack of commitment, not having to accomodate J into my schedule like I do with J. I already hurt so it's not like if he were to "break-up" with me that I could feel much worse. And after having been with the X where things were so comfortable and good I can imagine the pain I would be in if G ever broke my heart. Wanting what I can't have at least keeps me safe from that.
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