Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Mother Load of Red Flags

So, on Friday I got a call from CFF, one of my dancing buddies. He wanted to know if I would join him in a dance lesson, which he needed a partner for. That ended up not working out, but we chatted for awhile - basically 1/2 an hour, my whole drive home.

He finshed up with "one other thing. I noticed..." He had noticed K being uber friendly to me on Thursday and wanted to know if I was okay with it. He came out and said that I am too nice and that if I didn't like attention, but was too nice to say anything to K, then to let him and CF know. I thought that was super sweet of him. He also said that he was concerned because he'd heard some things about K having offended a number of women. CFF didn't have the details, but told me to talk to CF if I wanted to know.

Of course I wanted to know! I have agreed to go out with K. I've made out with him. He's practically groping me on the dance floor and makes no bones about wanting to get it on with me. So yeah, a) I can see him offending others with his over the top behavior and b) if he's doing something (or has done) something inapropriate with other girls, then I want to be forewarned.

So after class on Monday I went up to CF asked if he had a minute and said, "I'm told that you know K pretty well. He's been calling me and asking me out and I've been told that I should talk to you about him." CF's response, "I'll tell you since you asked, do you have time to go get something to eat?" We went to a diner and were there for 2 1/2 hours.

I was not expecting to learn what I learned.

First of all, I was right when I thought K was dating another dancer. I am a little put off by the fact that he down played a couple of weeks ago. I said "I thought you had a girlfriend." and his response was "oh, well, I was talking to somebody for about a minute, and that was a mistake."

Um, from what I learned it was K that made the mistake. Back in late March, early April, he left his email logged inot on the girlfriend's computer. So when she gets on the next day it's K's account that is open. Apparently she found evidence not only of him cheating on her, but of him also sharing his exploits, complete with pictures to convicts in prison - people he knows personally, from his previous jail time.

{Insert picture of shocked me here}

It's funny, because in the few conversations I've had with K and he mentioned "law" I thought he studied the law either preparing for, or in Law School, not "The Law" as in "I fought the law and the law won."

CF even forwarded me the emails that K's X sent out to all the dancers she knows (I was not one of them). I haven't read them yet. I won't until Saturday (or more likely Friday night) because I had already made plans to go out with K on Friday. I was already feeling like his behavior wasn't all kosher, but I don't want to totally prejudice myself against him.


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